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Q: How many people live in California Falkirk?
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How many people in falkirk?

As of the most recent data available, the population of Falkirk in Scotland is estimated to be around 162,000 people.

How many people go to the falkirk wheel each year?

The Falkirk Wheel attracts around 500,000 visitors annually.

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How many people live in California recently?

California's estimated 2012 population is 38,041,430.

How many people live in soutern California?

i am unfamilliar with the place of ''soutern'' but in southern california there are approximately 425643 people

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A lot of people are moving out of California because they can't afford to live there anymore.

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California has a population of 36,756,666

How many pepeopl live in California?

i would say about 30000000005 people live in California cause that place is very popular but in ways boring

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