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a movement of the production point closer to the curve

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Q: How is an immediate effect of an increase in unemployment illustrated on production possibility curve diagram?
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Did the New Deal have an immediate affect on unemployment?

the anwer is NO. the unemployment rates of the U.S.A dropped slowly.

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The immediate source of hydrogen atoms for the production of sugar during photosynthesis is water. Water molecules are split into oxygen, protons, and electrons, and the electrons and protons are used to reduce carbon dioxide to produce sugar while releasing oxygen as a byproduct.

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Immediate product refers to the output resulting from the combination of two factors of production. It is produced instantly without any delay, reflecting the immediate impact of the factors involved. This concept is often used in economic analysis to understand the immediate result of input combinations.

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It appealed to Japanese daimyo because of Its possibility of immediate enlightenment.

What was an immediate economic result of the use of mass production techniques in American factories?

improved safety of goods

What were the results of the attack on Pearl Harbor for the US?

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What best describe an immediate effect of the invention and mass production of the light bulb?

The immediate effect of the invention and mass production of the light bulb was the widespread adoption of electric lighting, replacing gas lamps and candles. This led to increased productivity, extended work hours, and improved safety in homes and workplaces.

Can you collect unemployment while on bedrest for pregnancy?

If you tell the unemployment office that you are on bed rest, you will be denied. To be eligible for benefits, then you must be able and available to seek and accept immediate full time work. If you are on bed rest, then you are not able to accept a job should one be offered to you to start tomorrow.