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By having free and transparent elections; upholding human rights and civil liberties. Adhering to the countries constitution and the rule of law.

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Q: How government can achieve legitimacy?
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What gives the government legitimacy?

The government derives it's legitimacy from the People.

How a government can achieve legitimacy?

legitimacy means the capacity to maintain a belief that the existing political systems is the most appropriate for the society and the people must regard it as sacred an dworthy of respect and obey it unresistingly....

What is the basis of legitimacy of the government of France?

France is a democracy, the government derives its legitimacy from the free vote of the people.

In order for the American government to have legitimacy it must have?

The legitimacy of the government of the United States rests upon the Constitution. It is the ultimate law of the land.

Who gives legitimacy to government?

Legitimacy is a term used by governments to recognize another regime. A government can obtain legitimacy in several ways. For example, allowing people to participate in government having representatives shows signs of legitimacy. Also, having a codified law that is referred to shows signs of a "higher law" which is another way to obtain legitimacy.

Where does the US government derive its legitimacy and power?

The US government derives it power and legitimacy from its people; our government system is works around the idea of democracy so the government gets its power from the governed.

When the people of the nation accept their government's authority the government is said to have?


How can you use the word legitimacy in a sentence?

The government's legitimacy was questioned by the citizens after evidence of corruption came to light.

What is the source of legitimacy of the British government?

Democracy - it is elected by its people

From where does Rousseau see a government deriving its legitimacy and on what basis?

Based on the general will

Legitimacy be restored in Europe?

i think it is about history,politics and sosiety,government...

Electing representatives in a free and fair elections?

confers legitimacy on a government