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I drove my Chevy to the levee, but the levee was dry.

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8y ago

They crosses the river by levee. It also prevents the overflow of the river.

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Q: How do you use the word levee in a sentence?
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How would you use levee in a sentence?

I drove my Chevy to the levee, but the levee was dry...

What is a sentence using the word levee?

the levee broke in New Orleans.

How do you use levee in a sentence?

A levee holds back water.

How would you use the word levee in a sentence?

Coastal communities may be protected by levee systems, although ths upper portions may be low

What is a sentence with levee in it?

What is a sentence for levee

How do you use the word swollen in a sentence?

My finger is swollen because I smashed it in the door. The swollen river would soon breach the levee and flood the town.

Is levee a word?

Yes, levee is a word. A levee is an embankment against river floods. Hope I helped! :)

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Is the french word levee supposed to be capitalized?


What language did levee come from?

The word levee, from the French word levée (from the feminine past participle of the French verb lever, "to raise"), is used in American English (notably in the Midwest and Deep South); it came into English use in New Orleans circa 1720.

What does it mean when a levee is breached?

A levee breach or levee failure (the word dike or dyke can also be used instead of levee) is a situation where a levee fails or is intentionally breached, causing the previously contained water to flood the land behind the levee.A breach is when the levee breaks, and was unable to hold the water it was built for...not when it overflows....a common misconception....