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Q: How do you use the word fore in a sentence?
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Fore is to aft as front is to rear.

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Use a sentence with the word for?

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How do you use fore in a sentence?

I cant see my forehead!

What words can you use instead of the word and?

there fore and when

Could you start the word there fore at the beginning of a sentence?

Yes you can: Therefore, because you asked, I will give you an answer.

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The Native Indians told legends of their fore fathers being heroic in war.

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my family will hunt for endangered animals in the wild there fore i will do nothing

How do you put fore in a sentence?

The word "fore" can be a noun, adjective, or adverb. All have a common definition meaning front or beginning. It is a rarely used word. The word "for" is a very common word and is a preposition. It is generally used as a function to indicate purpose.

When was Fore-Word Press created?

Fore-Word Press was created in 2004.

Can you use the word concluding in a sentence?

Can you use the word concluding in a sentence? Done.