I can Declare that my friend birthday Antaw is Monday.
I declare that I will work hard to achieve my goals.
I declare, you must study English for 3 more years. Declare the news to all the world. The second sentence has (you) understood, for the subject.
I do declare! If you carrying anything across an international border, you would want to declare it to the customs agent.
yes! example: Do you have the power to declare a war on another country?
Without a cash influx in the next 2 weeks, ABC Corp is going to declare bankruptcy
The declaration was made in front of a large audience.
The president will declare a state of emergency in response to the natural disaster.
Failure to declare taxed items at the customs entry can be a crime. The Colonial Congress met on July 4, 1776 to declare American independence. The politician was quick to declare that he supported spending cuts. Only Congress can declare war.
1. Serving to declare or state. 2. Of, relating to, or being an element or construction used to make a statement: a declarative sentence. n. A sentence or expression that makes a statement.
Can you use the word concluding in a sentence? Done.
You can use the word Truss in a sentence like this.