The Sergeant's dependents shopped in the commisary.
Being dressed in camouflage, the sergeant was imperceptible to the enemy.
The Sergeant kept his troops in line.
The sergeant at arms stood guard at the barracks entrance.
Recruits in boot camp are generally fearful of their drill sergeant. The brilliant young police detective was promoted to sergeant after solving a string of crimes.
The compound noun is sergeant at arms, an open spaced compound noun.
The sergeant asked the private to stand by the flagpole.
I think you mean barrack, which is a place for military people to live. Get the barrack cleaned up before the sergeant gets here.
He never had a truer friend than his sergeant in the army. GPS systems can provide a truer basis for locating positions than celestial navigation.
I intend to start the evening by impressing her parents, if you must know.The drill sergeant seemed to enjoy impressing our lessons upon us by including heavy exercises.
I want to berate you in the back seat all night long. That is a correct but unlikely use of the verb, and suggests quite the wrong meaning. How about "The drill sergeant will berate any soldiers who appear on parade in scuffed boots."
AnswerAs long as it has the same equipment a sergeant would have, they should be able to be interchanged.