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Postprandial responses were studied in a subset of twelve, were included.

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Q: How do you use postprandial in a sentence?
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What is postprandial plasma?

Postprandial plasma refers to the blood plasma collected after a meal. It is used to measure various biochemical markers related to digestion, absorption, and metabolism of nutrients following the consumption of food. This can provide insights into how the body processes food and can be helpful in assessing metabolic health.

What are postprandial disorders and is ulcer a type of postprandial disorders as it can also happen after a meal?

Postprandial just means after a meal, and can be applied to such things as hypertension. An ulcer is not of itself postprandial as it's there all the time, but it could certainly flare up after a meal.

Word for after meals?


In a 'postprandial period' what has one just finished doing?

The postprandial period comes just after one has finished eating a meal or any food intake. An example would be taking a postprandial walk on the beach.

What is the abbreviation for postprandial blood sugar?


What is involved in a Blood sugar test?

For a postprandial glucose test, you are required to eat 2 hours before a sample of your blood is taken. The results of your postprandial glucose test should be ready in 1-to-2 hours.

What does postprandial mean?

The word postprandial is not a medical term. The word refers to a period of time just after a meal.

A Urine sample collected after a meal is called?

2-hour postprandial specimen

Which term means suffixes of eating?

The suffix -prandial means pertaining to a mail, as in postprandial.

Is there a specific name for the feeling of being sleepy after eating a meal?

Postprandial somnolence is feeling sleepy after a meal.

Use embalmers in a sentence?

i do not know how to use embalming in a sentence. (there is the sentence)

What is used to screen for diabetes mellitus and to monitor the effect of patient insulin regimen?

a two hour postprandial test BOOM!