'He made a miraculous discovery'
The miraculous recovery of the patient astonished the medical team.
It was miraculous that the baby survived, he was so small with so many problems but now he's doing fine. I was sitting on the steps worrying how I would be able to pay the rent when the postal carrier handed me an envelope which contained my tax refund; it was a miraculous moment. For a family with no talent whatsoever, it's miraculous how beautifully their son can sing.
Doctors reported that the cancer patient has made a miraculous recovery.
There is no saint named Miraculous.
The prefix of "miraculous" is "miracle-".
The noun form of miraculous is "miracle."
The Miraculous Mandarin was created in 1926.
In Search of the Miraculous was created in 1947.
There are a number of words which can be used as an alternative description for something that is miraculous. For example, one could also use the words amazing, astonishing, astounding, spectacular, superior, or unbelievable.
God is considered to be omnipotent by the christians because he is all powerful and he can do miraculous things.
The base word for miraculous is "miracle."