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The word "metamorphic" is the adjective form of the word "metamorphism. " An example of a sentence using the word "metamorphic" is "Metamorphic rocks are the product of a process called metamorphism, in which existing rocks and minerals undergo a transformation. "

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Q: How do you use metamorphic in a sentence?
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Metamorphic in a sentence

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Metamorphic in a sentence

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Metamorphic in a sentence

What is metamorphic rock use in a sentence?

Metamorphic petrology in the next are able to synthesize information they obtain from both courses.Metamorphic rock, with varying dark shades.Metamorphic assemblages which can he considered to be metasedimentary in origin.Metamorphic evolution of the zanskar high himalaya.Metamorphic fluids in the deep crust.Metamorphic reaction, a number of processes must operate in concert.

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