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The faucet kept leaking all night long and kept me awake.

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14y ago

The faucet has a leak.

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Q: How do you use leak in a sentence?
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How do you use the word leak in a sentence?

no sentence imposible i think is a very very bad website

Could you give me a sentence with the word leak?

The faucet had a leak.

How do you use the word wader in a sentence?

"I was about to go fishing but i noticed that my wader had a leak in it." Or "That bird over there is a type of wader."

How do you use plumb in a sentence?

There's no plumbing the depths of the human psyche. The bathroom plumbing has a leak.

What is a way you can use profuse in a sentence?

He is rich, he Profuse Money. This is one of many examples for sentence use.

What is the example sentence of a small leak can sink a great ship?

That IS a sentence - A small leak can sink a great ship. It means that little things add up and cause big problems.

How do you use evacuate in a sentence?

Everyone evacuated when a fire in the building started.

How do you fix your oil leak 1990 dodge spirit?

use leak stop or something. Where is your oil leak?

What is the best water pipe leak sealant to use for repairing a leak in a plumbing system?

The best water pipe leak sealant to use for repairing a leak in a plumbing system is a waterproof epoxy putty.

How do you use aqueduct in a sentence?

Aqueduct is a noun, so you use it as any other noun. For example, "Help! The aquecuct sprung a leak!" or "The man rested in the shade of the aqueduct.".

What is the best water leak sealant to use for fixing a leak in a pipe?

The best water leak sealant for fixing a leak in a pipe is a waterproof epoxy putty.

What is the best water leak sealer to use for fixing a leak in a pipe?

The best water leak sealer for fixing a leak in a pipe is a waterproof epoxy putty.