no sentence imposible i think is a very very bad website
The faucet had a leak.
"I was about to go fishing but i noticed that my wader had a leak in it." Or "That bird over there is a type of wader."
There's no plumbing the depths of the human psyche. The bathroom plumbing has a leak.
He is rich, he Profuse Money. This is one of many examples for sentence use.
That IS a sentence - A small leak can sink a great ship. It means that little things add up and cause big problems.
Everyone evacuated when a fire in the building started.
use leak stop or something. Where is your oil leak?
The best water pipe leak sealant to use for repairing a leak in a plumbing system is a waterproof epoxy putty.
Aqueduct is a noun, so you use it as any other noun. For example, "Help! The aquecuct sprung a leak!" or "The man rested in the shade of the aqueduct.".
The best water leak sealant for fixing a leak in a pipe is a waterproof epoxy putty.
The best water leak sealer for fixing a leak in a pipe is a waterproof epoxy putty.