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I'm so joyful that today's my Birth-Day

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Q: How do you use joyful in a sentence?
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How do you use joyful in sentence?

For example: "I love it!" she said joyfully. Or: She acted joyful, but inside she actually wasn't.

What is the sentence proper adjective for joyful?

i am joyful to have a brother named harlan.

How do you form a sentence with joyful?

I'm very joyful as it was the last day of school.

Is the sentence imagine you joyful grammatically correct?

No. You would say "Imagine you are joyful."

How do you use the word joyful in a sentence?

Joyful is an adjective that expresses feeling, so use it to describe anything that's happy. It's used most conventionally for people, but you can apply it to other things."Today I was joyful because I won the 800 meter race""A joyful atmosphere bubbled on the quad as the seniors flung their papers into the air"

Can you give me a sentence for the word joyful?

I glanced at the ice cream , joyful, as I gobbled it down :D

How can you use surprisingly in a sentence?

Surprisingly, many people are sad or stressed during the holidays rather than joyful.

What is a good sentence using the word joyful?

Lynn was joyful when she discovered that she had won free concert tickets.

Can you use the word joyous at the beginning of a sentence?

Yes, especially if it's a one word sentence in answer to the question, "How are you feeling?"

Make sentence of the synonyms words same meaning?

The synonyms for "happy" are "joyful" and "delighted."

How do you spell enjoyfull?

No such word in English. Use "joyful".

What are the comparative and superlative forms of joyful?

more joyful , most joyful