I inadvertently used the wrong word!
Inadvertently is an adjective, meaning that in a sentence, it is used to describe a verb (an action). To to something inadvertently is to do something unintentionally. For example: "She inadvertently knocked the vase off of the table as she walked past." "I inadvertently left the stove on when I left the kitchen."
I hit him inadvertently.
Andrew exonerated Emily from thinking that she broke the pendant when he owned up to inadvertently breaking it himself.
I'm sorry, I seem to have inadvertently taken your seat.
Germany had inadvertently purged its citizens with its economic decline during the industrial time period in America.
Inadvertently I opened your mail, sorry about that.
The form of this sentence is correct. She filled out the application form.
I inadvertently pooped my pants.
Can I use colonists in a sentence or Can I form a sentence with colonists in it? Yes.
We use are when the sentence is in plural and is when the sentence is in singular form.
If you have played "telephone", you know how easy it is to inadvertently garble a message.