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To my teachers, I have shown great growth and achievement in my classes and assignments.

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Q: How do you use growth in a sentence?
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In a healthy economy we see a growth of the GDP.

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The small business sector showed positive growth in the third quarter report.

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The growth of the plant was stymied from being kept in the shade.

Use pollination in a sentence?

Bees play a crucial role in pollination by transferring pollen from one flower to another, helping plants reproduce and produce fruits.

Use blighted in a sentence?

Blighted is something that causes devaluation or prevents growth, and destroys. Use in a sentence would be, "The slums blighted the city for decades."

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Wilmot Proviso spurred a debate showing growth in sectionalism.

Use biotechnology in a sentence?

Biotechnology can be used to genetically modify crops to be more resistant to pests and diseases, leading to increased crop yield.

How you can use hormone in a sentence?

Hormones are chemical messengers that regulate various bodily functions, such as growth, metabolism, and mood.

How do you use dense in sentence?

dense is an adjective. How about it is dense and so are you? the growth is dense. there is a dense growth of cells...blh blh blh hahahaha

Use growth in a sentence?

After his growth spurt last winter, all of his pants were too short.How much growth have you seen from your investments?Our toughest struggles in life are often opportunities for growth.She has a small growth on her chin which the doctor wants to remove.