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A neutral third party was brought in to act as a dispassionate mediator.

Ideally, judges and juries are dispassionate arbiters of guilt and innocence.

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Q: How do you use dispassionate in a sentence?
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Sentence using the word impassive?

To be dispassionate is to not be influenced by emotions. An example sentence is: Sometimes it helps, in certain situations, to be dispassionate.

A sentence with the word dispassionate?

You need to maintain the dispassionate stance while trading stocks.

A sentence with dispassionate?

Amanda was a very big fan of horror movies, unlike Jillian who was very dispassionate about blood and gore.

Sentence using dispassionate?

George seems to have no feelings toward his children. His dispassionate treatment of them had a very negative effect on his relationship with them and his wife.

What is the root word for dispassionate?

The root word is passion.Related Information:Dis (prefix meaning lack of/not) + passion (root word) + ate (suffix meaning state of)Resulting in dispassionate meaning a state of lack of passion.

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What does under stimulation mean?

dispassionate, unaffected, bored Being that the definition of stimulated is something to the effect of excited, passionate, aroused or excited, my thoughts would be, and yes, lately this has been my mood, that it means you are dispassionate or my case I am on the search for something to inspire me and make me feel excited about life again... so I use this term to convey that message.

What 13 letter word goes with equal meaning fairness?

The word is "dispassionate".

What is dispassionate?

it's like you don't care or ur ot effected by emotions

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She is known for her dispassionate and meticulously researched opinions.

What are the antonyms of acquisitive?

Benevolent, Giving, Generous, Apathetic, Dispassionate, Unselfish, Philanthropic, Charitable.

What are some antonyms for the word ardent?

frigid, unenthusiastic, cold, indifferent, dispassionate, cool