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Despite the odds Samson defeated the Philistines with Gods help.

Jordon Myers

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Q: How do you use despite in a sentence but as a connective?
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Use the word despite in a sentence?

despite can be a connective or you can use it at the start of a sentance.For example: This is very good homework despite you got it yesterday.hope this helps :)

What is a complex connective sentence?

i want to know about connective that use with compound complex

What is the connective in this sentence Notwithstanding the fact that it was her birthday Zara was unhappy?

The connective in the sentence is "notwithstanding." It is used to introduce a contrast or contradiction between the two clauses, highlighting that despite it being Zara's birthday, she was still unhappy.

What type of connective is despite?

Yes my teacher gave me it for use in homework about connectives!

Can you use but and despite in a sentence?

Despite his hands, he was happy but ill-equipped.

How do you use connective words in a sentence?

You have to write them in your are crap crazy boy or girl

How do you use belong to in a connective sentence?

Those shoes belong to my friend but I don't know who those shoes belong to. Connective word = but

How do you use quick in a connective sentence?

after putting in the flour, quickly pour in the butter

How do you put despite in a sentences as a connective?

You can do it by saying something like e.g. I had chocolate Then say something negative about it e.g. Despite it being disgusting Put them together I had chocolate, despite it being disgusting. Hope that helps :)

How do you use despite of in a sentence?

I love eating bacon in the morning, despite the fact that it is unhealthy.

How do you use polite in a connective sentence?

My mother told me to always be polite but I often forgot.

How do you use despite in the middle of a sentence?

"Despite" is typically used at the beginning of a sentence to introduce a contrast. However, it can also be used in the middle of a sentence to show contrast within the same sentence. For example, "She continued working on the project, despite facing many obstacles."