Extending courtesy toward others is an international custom.
Can you paint my car a custom green?Taking shoes off in a person's home is a Chinese custom.
the customs seem alike to ours.
A custom duties is a tax that is paid on something imported from another country. The following is a sentence with custom duties in it, "Melissa had to pay for the custom duty for the items she purchased from Mexico.
I am researching the custom of hand-raising in class.
well the word kowtow means when the Chinese custom bows as an act of worship. so you can decide how you want to use it in your sentence. Good luck!
The words cheap and custom do not belong in the same sentence Custom is never cheap.
It is my custom to drink 2-3 cups of water immediately after getting up in the morning.
Custom means habit or tradition. Here are some sentences.Our custom is to put up the Christmas tree right after Thanksgiving.Church custom requires you to be baptized.I want to participate in all the local customs.
My new custom bicycle hasn't arrived yet.
A Custom House or Customs House was a building housing the offices for the government officials who processed the paperwork for the import and export of goods into and out of a country