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Q: How do you use come to end in a sentence?
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When can you use Verbs at the end of a sentence?

Verbs don't come at the end of a complete sentence. If you have a command like -- Sit down! -- then this sentence consists of a verb only.

Which of the following can you use to end a sentence?

You can use a period (.), an exclamation mark (!), or a question mark (?) to end a sentence.

Do you use a period if ellipsis falls at the end of a sentence?

Yes, if the ellipsis falls at the end of a sentence, you should use a period after it to indicate the end of the sentence.

how do you use come in sentence?

do you use

Do a period comes after a question mark?

No, a period does not come after a question mark in a sentence. The use of a question mark indicates the end of an interrogative sentence, while a period is used to end a declarative sentence.

If you finish a sentence but put a parenthetical reference for the reader to use as a resource at the end of the sentence do you put a period at the end of the sentence?

Yes, you would still put a period at the end of the sentence even if it includes a parenthetical reference. The period indicates the end of the sentence's main thought, and the parenthetical reference is additional information for the reader's benefit.

When do you use full stop?

at the end of a sentence.

When do you use me at the end of a sentence?

"Me" is used at the end of a sentence when you are stressing that you are the one performing the action or when it is the object of the verb. For example, "He gave the book to me."

What punctuation come at the end of hypotheis?

A period (.) is typically used at the end of a hypothesis to denote the end of the sentence.

Do you use a comma with as well at the end of a sentence?

Yes, this type of sentence is called imperative sentence.

When the period should come?

at the end of a sentence -or- when a girl's body is ready

Does every sentence with if possible have to end with a question mark?

No, not every sentence with "if" has to end with a question mark. The use of a question mark at the end of a sentence depends on whether the sentence is asking a question or stating a fact.