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I was charming about you

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

The girls loved my charm.

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Q: How do you use charming in a sentence?
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What is a sentence for the word charming?

he was very charming to me !

How do you use the word contumelious in a sentence?

He thought he was charming but we belived he was a contumelious idiot.

How do you use the word neverthelesss in a sentence?

She's charming; nevertheless I don't quite trust her.

What is a sentence with the word charming habits?

I was quite enamored by her charming habits.

What other word can you use to replace pleasant in a sentence?

nice, amusing, delightful, refreshing, charming, friendly

How can you use the word fool in a sentence?

you such a fool preson :) hope that helped

What the meaning of charming?

The word charming is used to describe someone or something that is attractive or pleasant. An example of a sentence using the word would be: Her eyes were charming.

How do you use the word woods in a sentence?

Whose woods are these,Perhaps I know.Stopping by The Woods is a charming poem.Woods means jungle, forest.

What is a sentence for bungalow?

Example sentence - We stayed in a charming bungalow during our vacation on the island.

How can you use the word larrikin in a sentence?

Larrikin love, meanwhile, boast a charming mess of influences: they have a surprisingly effective line in spindly white reggae.

Is charming an adjective?

It can be. If you use it as an adjective it would look something like "the charming man" ... but it can also be used as a verb, as in "He was charming the maid."

Use the word fractables in a sentence?

A fractable is something that is used to cover the top of a roof or wall of a building. It generally makes an ornamental silhouette. An example of a sentence would be: "The fractable on the old house was charming".