The farmer used the cattle drive method to move his herd from one field to another that had better grazing for his cattle.
Answer 2:Since the phrase "cattle drive" is a subject, the sentence would have to use this phrase in a way that it becomes the main subject of that sentence, as such:"The local ranchers sponsored a cattle drive in downtown Calgary on the opening day of the Calgary Stampede."
"A cattle drive is an activity where cowboys herd cattle from one pasture or range to another, be it only across the fence or 50 miles away."
While I was driving, I saw many cattle on the side of the road.
drive cattle
One example of a sentence with the word cattle in it would be "I went to my uncle's ranch to see the cattle". Another sentence with the word cattle is " The cowboy's did a cattle drive today".
The cattle wrangler leads a rigorous lifestyle.
The definition of a cattle drive is when you drive cattle from a ranch to the railroad for slaughter.
Example sentence - Many ranchers are now raising bison rather than cattle.
Example sentence - Many ranchers are now raising bison rather than cattle.
Cattle drives
A cattle drive
My, what nice butts these cattle have!
Example sentence - The cattle eat a variety of healthy grasses year round in the mild climate.
Example sentence - The cattle eat a variety of healthy grasses year round in the mild climate.