The King's purple robe, crowns jewels, mace, and throne were befitting for the King of England
yes, actually you can.
The ambassador communicated the U.S. nuclear policy position to his host nation's prime minister with the gravitas befitting the imminently dangerous situation at hand.
Of or pertaining to a secretary; befitting a secretary.
"Halekulani" is a Hawaiian word that means "house befitting heaven" or "house befitting of a heavenly place." It is also the name of a luxury hotel in Waikiki, Hawaii.
It can be an adjective or adverb. As an adjective it means of or befitting a queen.
very well educated, befitting his noble family
Get Out Way Out - 2007 An Outdoor Entertainment Area Befitting an Italian Villa 2-4 was released on: USA: 2008
i do not know how to use embalming in a sentence. (there is the sentence)
Kingly can act as an adjective and an adverb. ... The adverb is an invariable part of the sentence that can change, explain or simplify a verb or another adverb.
The usual spelling is benefiting (aiding), but benefitting is a variant not recognized by many spell-checkers. This would follow the use of a double T as in fitting and befitting.