differenciate kernel from transform sentences
a kernel sentence is the simplest sentence in English language
Kernel refers to the inner part of a grain or seed that is usually edible. An example in a sentence: John eat the kernel of the maize seed.
A kernel sentence, also known as a basic sentence or a core sentence, is the simplest form of a sentence that contains a subject and a predicate. It expresses a complete thought and can stand alone as a grammatically correct sentence. Kernel sentences serve as the foundation for constructing more complex sentences.
A sentence with the word transform would be: This old building will gradually transform into a new establishment.
Jesus Christ is the kernel figure of the Catholic faith.
Example sentence - The old colonel could not eat the corn kernel without his false teeth.
Kernel Sentence-a simple, active, declarative sentence containing no modifiers or connectives that may be used in making more elaborate sentences: The sentence "Good tests are short" is made from two kernel sentences: (1) "Tests are short." (2) "(The) tests are good."
Kernel refers to the inner part of a grain or seed that is usually edible. An example in a sentence: John eat the kernel of the maize seed.
I hate transform boundaries!!
I hate transform boundaries!!
A kernel sentence is a simple declarative construction with only one verb. Examples:We're having soup.Tony came home.Tulips are in season.He parked the car.