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By putting in place a performance evaluation system.

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Q: How do you manage employees performances?
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What is the ideal number of employees to manage?

There is no ideal number of employees to manage. Managing employees that are less than 10 tend to be easier than higher amounts. Many people are used to managing hundreds of employees either by themselves or in a team.

According to economist employees are called human resources?

Yes, employees are human resources because they have valuable knowledge that allows the business to generate money. Businesses must manage their talent just as they manage their technology.

What points you should consider when using internet to hire employees?

Capability to manage the workload consistentlyCompetence to manage the responsibilitiesCompatibilityCommitment to manage the needs of the companyCharacter through personality and quality of candidate

What can you do to ensure employees do not spend all day on Facebook and surfing web?

Be a manager. You can rely on technology or simply manage your employees as intended.

What is the primary goal of office management?

To efficiently manage employees in order to maximise profits.

Why is it important for individuals to manage themselves in the workplace?

If employees are able to manage themselves, then they need less management by managers, who otherwise are likely to be overworked, and who will not appreciate the lack of responsibility shown by people who do not manage themselves.

What does the website 'Computershare' offer to consumers?

The website Computershare offers consumers a way to manage their employees and investments online. It gives people a way to confortable manage their money from the internet.

What are comparison between meeting and presentation?

A meeting is to discuss what is going on, & will be, as far as employees performances & product making & selling. A presentaion is to display a new idea.

How do you think management have evolved?

Management has evolved from an authoritarian type style of management to including employees in decisions. Many managers also manage by objectives to ensure that their employees reach their goals as well as the organization.

Are supervisors required to track employees' time?

Now a days there are softwares available to track the employees time and attendance. It does not need any supervisors to manage it. Like ADP India there are many companies providing time and attendance software to efficiently track employees time.

What is a sentence for the word subtleties?

There are many obvious ways to manage employees, however it takes a long time to learn all of the subtleties invovled in order to manage them skillfully.

What brand or make of an automobile is better with respect to engine performances?

You need to look to Europe or maybe Japan. American cars have 6 litre engines and manage only get out paltry amounts of BHP