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Ordinarily I exercise only every other day, but right now I'm training for a triathlon, so I'm working out 6 days a week.

Ordinarily I make my own coffee in the morning, but if I'm really running late I'll buy a cup instead.

Something must really be bothering him, because ordinarily he is a happy drunk, not an angry, violent one.

I'm not ordinarily one to gossip, but this little scandal is just so juicy that I can't keep my mouth shut.

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Q: How do you make a sentence with the word ordinarily?
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A sentence using the word ordinarily?

Ordinarily, I would not be so lenient with the rules, but since this is your first offense I will let it go.

How do you use the word ordinarily in a sentence?

Ordinarily he would have used that road, but because the tree was blocking it he had to drive the longer way to work.

How do you use ordinarily in a sentence?

The word "ordinarily" is a synonym for "usually." Usually, I stay up late. Or, I could also say, "Ordinarily, I stay up late." It refers to something you tend to do on a regular basis.

What is the root word for ordinarily?

The root word for "ordinarily" is "ordinary," which comes from the Latin word "ordinarius," meaning "usual" or "regular."

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Ordinarily, I would go to work but today since I am sick I am staying home in hopes of getting better.

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