The US Post Office will forward your mail for 12 months once you have notified them of your change of address. Are you really needing to forward your mail longer than 12 months?
form_title= Forward Mail form_header= Have your mail forwarded to a new address. From when, do you want your mail forwarded?*= _ [50] Are you in college?*= () Yes () No Do you want all of your mail forwarded?*= () Yes () No
Yes i can. I delete the email. The forwarded icon disappear as well.. ^_^
Yes. Whether it's an email - or a 'real' letter, you can forward it on to someone else indefinitely.
you can send fanmail to They make sure all your mail will be forwarded.
First Class Mail is delivered in three to five days.
Most e-mails should NOT be forwarded, especially when it asks to be forwarded as part of a plan to gain wide distribution of the contents (which may include falsehoods or even malware). E-mail is forwarded to advise someone of its contents, which may affect them or their work. It is also forwarded if it is sent to the wrong person or department by mistake.
An attempt will be made to return the mail to you indicating that there is insufficient postage or the letter will be forwarded to the address with postage due.
What does a grey arrow pointing right next to a send email means
I would say no, I'm pretty sure that you have to have their permission.
if you filed a change of address form at the post office when you moved the mail should be forwarded on the date you chose.
It means you replied to the message that the person sent you. A dark green arrow means you forwarded the e-mail and a red arrow mean you forwarded twice or more.