

Best Answer

You are very elegant,and vibrant everyday.

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Q: How can you use elegant in a sentence?
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How would you use the word elegant in a sentence?

Example sentence - The actress was the picture of beauty and elegant refinement.

How do you use the word ELEGANT in a sentence?

The woman was beautifully dressed and looked very elegant.

Use architecture in a sentence?

The architecture of the building is modern and elegant.

How do you use elgant in a sentence?

The woman in the flowing gown is very elegant.

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She adorned her hair with laurels to create a beautiful and elegant look for the special occasion.

Can you give a sentence with the word elegant?

the elegant giraffe strode into the jungle.

Can you give an example of a sentence using the word elegant?

I found no elegancy in your sentence. That ruby vase was very elegant.

How is the word elegant used in a sentence?

It can be used to describe something. 'Elegant' is an adjective.For example: The elegant dancer spun freely.

A sentence with the word elegant?

I was wearing a white gown that looked very elegant. - Kristin Stewart

How do you use elegante in an Italian sentence?

La Donna ricca è molto elegante. - The rich woman is very elegant.

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