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Spurn is a word in the dictionary.

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Q: How can the word spurn be used in a sentence?
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How can you use the word spurn in a sentence?

I hope that hot woman does not spurn my advances.

How do you use the word spurn in a sentence?

I spurned the advances of the flirtatious woman at the bar because I had a girlfriend.

Help on the word spurn NOT SPURM?

She had to spurn him because he wasn't that attractive.

How do you use spurn in a sentence?

The police theorize that she was murdered by a spurned lover. Did the newlywed spurn the advances of her coworker?

Can you put spurn in a sentence?

He was so arrogant and conceited that it had never even occurred to him that she might spurn his romantic advances.When he saw her angrily spurn a homeless man's request for a cigarette, he began to wonder whether the kindness she normally displayed was sincere, or just for show.

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What is a word to reject that starts with s?


What is the antonym for the word accost?

avoid, spurn

What is a sentence using the word spurned?

He gave examples of how the customers had continued to spurn the new product. Margeret spurned his advances. Throughout his childhood he spurned his mother's home cooked food

What part of speech is spurn?

Spurn is a verb.

How do you use the word boycott in a sentence?

Barbara decided to boycott the company because it tests its products on animals. Some other words for boycott are shut out, blacklist, spurn, reject, and cut off.

Can you use acolytes in a sentence?

You just used the word acolytes in a sentence. Even saying, "can the word acolytes be used in a sentence", you are using that word in a sentence.