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I can give you several sentences.

  • They discriminate against black people in that restaurant.
  • I hate to see anyone discriminate against someone else.
  • It's wrong to discriminate.
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Q: How can the word 'discriminate' be used in a sentence?
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Use the word discriminate in a sentence?

I will discriminate you.

To not discriminate against another student what is the verb in this sentence?

Not positive- it's either "to" or "discriminate". a verb is an action word.

How do you use discriminate in a sentence?

Sometimes employers discriminate against people of different races who apply for a job opening. Whites used to discriminate blacks because of their skin color and they tought blacks were below them.

What is a sentence for the word discrimination?

In a pitched battle, it is hard to discriminate betwen friend and foe. The police department did not discriminate against applicants based on their race.

What is an example of a sentence using the word discriminate?

The word "discriminate" is often used when referring to prejudiced behavior: The realtors in that neighborhood often discriminate against black couples who want to rent an apartment; white couples are shown available apartments, but black couples are told no apartments are for rent.

A sentence for the word discriminate?

The whites use to descriminate the blacks because they were colored and they thought that all blacks were below them.

Can you give me a sentence with the word discriminate in it?

Whites discriminated blacks during Dr. MLK's time because of their color

How can you use the word discriminate in a sentence?

Here are three sentences for the word 'discrimination': "There is still a lot of discrimination towards women at work." "Discrimination is not allowed when deciding who should have the job." "Some people believe that discrimination is often a good thing."

Can you put the word discriminate in a sentence?

You know you're talking to a closeted racist when they start saying that employers nowadays discriminate against white people.She pretends that the reason she is so discriminate about what she eats is that she's very health-conscious, but in reality it's because she has an eating disorder.

How do you use 'to discriminate positively' in a sentence?

I would often become quite aggravated when he would attempt to discriminate positively.

How many syllables are in the word discriminate?

Discriminate has four syllables: dis-cri-mi-nate

Can you use acolytes in a sentence?

You just used the word acolytes in a sentence. Even saying, "can the word acolytes be used in a sentence", you are using that word in a sentence.