Example sentence - The large area could be seen from space.
The word outskirts refers to the outer area or outlying area of a city. To be used In a well written sentence, "Billy lived on the outskirts of town".
You just used the word acolytes in a sentence. Even saying, "can the word acolytes be used in a sentence", you are using that word in a sentence.
"I tried to extend my sales to a new area." Is a sentence with the word extend.
The word "incidentally" can be used at the end of a sentence. You can make the sentence "This was done incidentally.".
You just used it in a sentence.
He measured, then used his calculator to find the area of his backyard. Before the electronic calculator, slide rules were used for computations.
This is your umpteenth request for a word to be used in a sentence.
No, factor is a word that can be used in a sentence.
This is a simple sentence.
you just used it in a sentence
The word sentence was first used in the Middle Ages. Back then, it meant sense.