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You can say

Monks are devoted to the service of the church, esp. in Roman Catholic, Anglican, and Orthodox denominations

Monks are like a children of god

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Q: How can i use monk in a sentence?
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What level does a 3.5 edition Monk gain the ability to teleport in Dungeons and Dragons?

A monk never gains a true teleport ability. However, at 12th level they may use Abundant Step once per day. This acts like a dimension door with a caster level equal to one half the monk's level. Additionally, a monk can use Empty Body at 19th level. This allows the monk to become ethereal for one round per monk level per day. Using this a monk can "appear" to teleport.

A sentence with the word reverently?

The monk bowed reverently before the sacred statue in the temple.

How is monk used in a sentence?

How about.... The monks arrived at the church just as mass was about to start? hope that helps? It answers my question thanks