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Provincial government is enforced with the task of looking after the tasks that affect a province such as education and health care. Local government looks after things that affect a city such as roads and transit.

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Q: How are provincial government and local government different?
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How do you put a lien on a truck in Canada?

The process is different in each Provence and territory. Your local Provincial government will be able to help you with this.

How is a provincial government and local government alike?

Provincial government is enforced with the task of looking after the tasks that affect a province such as education and health care. Local government looks after things that affect a city such as roads and transit.

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Federal, provincial, and I think local.

How were Greece's government different then Rome's government?

The Greek world of over 2,ooo independent city-states was different form the Roman Empire which ruled a vast area of territories with their own local government overseen by Roman provincial governors.

What government did the Persian Empire have?

Local government, controlled by PERSIAN provincial governors with central control by the king and his council.

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A king and his council, Persian provincial governors and local government.

How was Cyrus different from earlier empires?

He used the same techniques of retaining local government with provincial governors appointed by him. It's just that he had a much vaster area to control.

When to capitalize provincial government?

"Provincial government" should be capitalized when referring to a specific provincial government by its official title, such as "Ontario Provincial Government." Otherwise, it should be in lowercase when used generically, such as "the role of provincial governments."