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Q: How are age distribution that fertility rate and immigration affecting the way the us population is changing?
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What are population characterists?

Birth rate, Death rate, Immigration, Emigration, geographic distribution, population density, and growth rate. It can also mean what is something that if you saw on a test you would think of population like a group of animals or a group of plants (is describing population).

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What affects population growth?

Population growth is influenced by factors such as fertility rates, mortality rates, immigration, and emigration. High fertility rates and low mortality rates tend to lead to population growth, while high emigration rates can reduce it. Socioeconomic factors, government policies, access to healthcare, and cultural practices also play a role in shaping population growth.

What has the author Susan Greenhalgh written?

Susan Greenhalgh has written: 'State-society links' -- subject(s): Demographic transition, Fertility, Human, Human Fertility, Population policy 'The peasantization of population policy in Shaanxi' -- subject(s): Birth control, Population policy 'Situating Fertility' 'Is inequality demographically induced?' -- subject(s): Income distribution, Family, Population

What is population fertility?

Population Fertility is the fertility of the number of female animals in one species.

What has the author Griffith Feeney written?

Griffith Feeney has written: 'Period parity progression measures of fertility in China' -- subject(s): Human Fertility, Population 'A model for the age distribution of first marriage' -- subject(s): Age distribution (Demography), Marriage, Mathematical models

What are three ways the us population has changed?

The U.S. population has become more diverse, with increases in racial and ethnic minorities contributing to a more multicultural society. The population has aged, with a higher proportion of older adults due to longer life spans and declining birth rates. There has been a shift in population distribution from rural to urban areas, leading to increased urbanization and growth of metropolitan areas.

What is the formula of population growth?

There is no simple formula for population growth. Some of the factors that you need to take account of are: Emigration rates Immigration rates Demographics Age-specific fertility rates Death rates

What is population policy?

Population policy refers to government initiatives and measures that aim to influence the size, composition, and distribution of a country's population. These policies can include strategies related to fertility rates, birth control, immigration, and family planning, among others. The goal is typically to address demographic challenges and promote sustainable population growth.

What is the population of Soil Fertility Centre?

Soil Fertility Centre's population is 237.

When a population is declining what 2 factors are likely outpacing what other 2 factors?

In a declining population, factors such as aging and reduced fertility rates are likely outpacing factors related to birth rates and immigration. These trends can lead to a smaller and older population over time, which may have various social and economic implications.

How can a shift in age distribution affect population growth?

A shift in age distribution towards more younger individuals can lead to higher population growth rates due to increased fertility and higher birth rates within that demographic. Conversely, a shift towards more older individuals can lead to lower population growth rates due to decreased fertility and higher mortality rates among that demographic.