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Fairness and equity; power and authority; right and responsibility; and integrity and trust

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Q: Explain the main concepts and values in industrial relations.?
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There is a direct relationship between virtue values and moral concepts in the business place. The virtue values and the rules that we live by and moral concepts are the principles used to judge others. The two ideologies have to work hand in hand.

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yes! the values is important to the study of public relations because then ly we can know the consumer needz and satisfaction...!

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The plural noun "values" meaning moral or ethical principles is an abstract noun, not a concrete noun. Number values are mathematical concepts that can describe both abstract and concrete nouns.

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Right and Wrong. From these stem concepts like good and evil.

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What are the similarities and differences between industrial relations and human resources management?

Difference Between HRM and IR HRM - Human Resource Management IR - Industrial Relations HRM - There are only two important parties viz., employee and employer. IR - These are four important parties viz., employees ,employer ,trade unions and government HRM - Formulation of objectives ,policies ,procedure and programs of human resources and implement them IR - The implementation of HRM policies results in IR. HRM - Reformulates the objectives, policies etc ,based on industrial conflicts which are the outcome of unsound industrial relations. IR- The sound IR contributes to the organizational goals. The unsound IR result in industrial conflicts demanding for change and reformulation of HRM objectives and goals HRM - Individual employee contacts with the immediate superior. IR - Employees contact even the top management as a group. HRM - Grievance and disciplinary procedures are resorted to, to solve the employee-employer conflicts. IR - Collective bargaining and forms of industrial conflicts are resorted to ,to solve the problems, HRM is the overall management of all resources including workers, staff, , executives, Top management and even suppliers and customers. Industrial Relations in practice means the relations between actual work force and management of the organization.. Therefore I am giving below some of the salient features of IR. · Industrial relations are governed by the system of rules and regulations concerning work, workplace and working community. · The main purpose is to maintain harmonious relations between employees and employer by solving their problems through grievance procedure and collective bargaining. · Trade Unions is another important institution in the Industrial relations. Trade unions influence and shape the industrial relations through collective bargaining. · Industrial relations are the relations mainly between employees and employers. · These relations emphasis on accommodating other parties interest , values and needs . Parties develop skills of adjusting to and cooperating with each other.

What are different types of values?

values are physical-financial-social measures for utility of tangible or untangible concepts.In parenting and children social concepts-values are what a child imbibes to values everyone & everything around him.It is not limited to religion or moral values of virtues.

What is meant by the term values?

evaluate the concepts of value consensus and false consciousness in relation to the function of education.

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