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the unemployment will never reach zero. because unfortunatly there will be always some one who need or requires job.................muhammad saqib...........

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Q: Does Unemployment rate ever reach zero?
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Why isn't the natural rate of unemployment equal to zero?

The natural rate of unemployment cannot equal zero, because there will always be people seeking full time employment, because they are dissatisfied with their present job, or are newly in the workforce, etc. and hence are unemployed.

Why is an unemployment rate of zero per cent not a feasible macroeconomic goal?

There are too many people who can't work or don't want to work. A zero unemployment rate would also mean that any new jobs would have to be filled entirely with new workers or those taken from other employment.

Why isn't full unemployment the same as zero unemployment?

Full employment doesn't mean that there is zero unemployment. Full employment only means that the economy is operating at full employment because there is only structural unemployment, frictional unemployment, and seasonal unemployment. Remaining unemployment is cyclical. Even when an economy is working properly, it will experience frictional, seasonal, and structural unemployment. (gp)

Why isn't full employment the same as zero unemployment?

Full employment doesn't mean that there is zero unemployment. Full employment only means that the economy is operating at full employment because there is only structural unemployment, frictional unemployment, and seasonal unemployment. Remaining unemployment is cyclical. Even when an economy is working properly, it will experience frictional, seasonal, and structural unemployment. (gp)

Could one explain what the zero rate is?

Zero rate has several meanings. The meaning differs on what zero rate is used for. For example, if it is used for loaning money, then "zero rate" might be used for zero interest rate.

Is there any country whose unemployment rate is zero or very close to zero?

No country is able to curb the unemployment rate close to zero in the system of market-oriented economy. Take developed countries for example. With the advancement of various kinds of industries, developed countries have to send such outdated industries into developing countries, and some workers will find they aren't able to be qualified for more demanding jobs. Besides, nowadays some work can be done by robots or other kinds of instruments. While for the developing countries, poverty, lack of education and poor macro regulation will all raise the unemployment rate. To sum up, I believe that unemployment rate of a country is a dynamic equilibrium, sometimes it may go up while other times it may go down, but I believe no country's government can curb the unemployment rate close to zero. According to Wikipedia Andorra enjoys a 0.0% unemployment rate and the highest being Zimbabwe with 95% Here is the link in the Related Link below.

Why does unemployment not go to zero during booms?

Unemployment does not go to zero during booms for multiple reasons. Firstly, there is always a certain level of frictional unemployment as people transition between jobs or enter the labor market. Additionally, changes in technology and demand may lead to structural unemployment, where certain skills become obsolete. Finally, there may be a mismatch between the skills of the unemployed and the available job openings, resulting in a persistent level of unemployment even during economic booms.

Why can all unemployment not be eliminated?

Unemployment can never be totally eliminated for the simple fact that: there are always new workers coming into the marketplace seeking employment; people leave jobs, either voluntarily or through the employer discharging them for various reasons; businesses exit the marketplace, thus eliminating jobs, etc.

When full employment is present will the rate of unemployment be zero?

Theoretically, yes, but there will always be some form of unemployment due to the fluctuation of the labor market.

What is zero birth rate?

Zero birth rate occurs when babies are born as fast as other people in the same country are dying. Births = deaths = zero birth rate.

Can mass reach zero?

No it can't.

Did the U.S. economy achieve zero unemployment during World War II. Is a zero unemployment rate realistically achievable for the U.S. economy?

It's achievable, but is bad because it eliminates competition among businesses, causing wages to lower. Not only is it not achievable, it's virtually impossible. While technically possible, it has zero chance of ever happening in the United States. Each and every stay at home Mom, high school senior and college student would need to have a job. That alone could never happen. Add in those just out of college, those awaiting 64 1/2 years old, the handicapped and early retirement it is just not possible. Employment in the United States is fully employed around 4 1/2 to 5 percent unemployment.