When mercury filled thermometers break, the mercury is released. Mercury is toxic to people, pets and the environment. There is a long history of mercury from broken thermometers and other medical devices being improperly dealt with, or even ignored. Since there are adequate replacements for mercury thermometers, OSHA, EPA, AMA and others discourage the use of mercury thermometers and encourage their replacement with thermometers using other technologies.
It takes R134a, which is the new EPA "standard" freon.
The Clean Air Mercury Rule (CAMR), issued on March 15, 2005 under George W. Bush, was the first time the EPA required coal-fired power plants to reduce their mercury emissions, through a cap and trade approach.
15 mpg city, 22 highway for a combined average of 18 mpg. (Data published by the EPA)
It depends on the kind of Tuna Canned light tuna has about .118 PPM, Albacore is .353 PPM of Mercury If you weigh 120 lbs, one-4 ounce can puts you at about 40% of the daily recommended limit, if you weigh in at 170 lbs, you are at about half that. It takes several months for Mercury to leave your system so it accumulates if you eat the tuna every day or so. The limits are set by the EPA The EPA reference dose (RfD) is defined as the amount of mercury a person, including sensitive subpopulations, can be exposed to on a daily basis over a lifetime without appreciable risk of effects. The EPA RfD is 0.1 µg mercury per kg body weight per day. When using the mercury calculator at GotMercury.Org, this value (adjusted for a week of exposure) is the value to which your mercury levels are being compared. This level corresponds to a blood mercury level of 5.8 ug/L or 5.8 parts per billion (ppb) mercury. Blood mercury levels below this value are considered to be without appreciable risk by the EPA. There is a calculator for most fish at the following website: http://www.mercuryexposure.org/index.php?page_id=36
CFLs and other fluorescent light bulbs contain a small amount of mercury sealed within the glass tubing. When a fluorescent bulb breaks in your home, some of this mercury is released as mercury vapor. To minimize exposure to mercury vapor, EPA recommends that residents follow the cleanup and disposal steps described on this page.
The 1997 Mercury Villager van has an EPA estimated city/highway mileage of 16 and 21 miles per gallon (mpg). The Villager wagon is also rated at 16/21 mpg.
when was the epa established?
Absolutely. That's why they discontinued manufacturing the unicorn of all low beams; the 9500HID installed by the Ford/Loncoln-Mercury(Lincoln MK 8, Cougars...)and some other car brands. Mercury is toxic and a hazard to the environment and health says the EPA. Even though it contains about as much mercury as a thermometer that a human sticks in their mouth(...and other places...) to take their temperature.Go figure.Total hypocrasy.
Hi, kapampangan word epa in english is -EPA Kapampangan word