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Americans do not need a visa to enter Costa Rica. Costa rican require a visa or green card to stay and work in US.

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Q: Does Costa Rica citizen require a green card?
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What are the requirements for a Mexican citizen to relocate to Costa Rica?

You need to apply for citizenship in Costa Rica.

Can you get a US passport in the American embassy in Costa Rica?

If you are a US citizen you should already have a US passport before you travel to Costa Rica. If you are a citizen of Costa Rica, you should obtain a Costa Rican passport, and you can then obtain a visa to visit the US, but not a US passport. US passports are only issued in the US. American embassies can issue visas.

Can a US citizen marry a woman from Costa Rica on a tourist visa?


What animals are in Costa Rica?

Their are turkey vulters, green turtles,and you can just go to Google and type in what animals are in Costa Rica and it will bring up all the animals.

Can I travel in and out of the US with my Costa Rican passport as a US citizen?

Costa Rica is not a US territory. If you try to enter the US with a Costa Rican passport, expect to be treated as a Costa Rican citizen and not a US citizen (that is, you'll need a visa, etc.). If you're a US citizen, get a US passport

Who explored Costa Rica?

Costa Rica

Is Costa Rica a country or a state?

Costa Rica is a country in Central America.

Is Costa Rica dangerous?

no, Costa Rica is not dangerous.

What does Es de Costa Rica mean?

"Es de Costa Rica" means that whatever is being discussed is from Costa Rica. Literally it means "is of Costa Rica."

What are the release dates for Save My Planet - 2010 The Green Mama Village Harvest Biodiversity in Costa Rica?

Save My Planet - 2010 The Green Mama Village Harvest Biodiversity in Costa Rica was released on: USA: 2010

Is Costa Rica a region city or country?

Costa Rica is a country in Latin America

How many different types of animals live in Costa Rica?

in Costa Rica there is animals called turkey valtures, green turteles, green basilisk. strawberry frog which is poisenes , queen butter fly, 3 toed sloth and ant eater