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Q: Do you believe that population explosion can be controlled by family planning as governed by policies and laws?
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How can rapid population growth be controlled?

Family Planning, Population Education, Responsible Parenthood, Birth Spacing, Limit Family Size,

How do people control explosions?

People can control explosions by using special safety measures such as blast walls or blast shields that redirect the force of the explosion. Additionally, controlled detonations can be used to set off the explosion in a controlled environment to minimize damage. Proper planning and training are crucial to controlling explosions effectively.

Which of these factors contributed to the population explosion-?

Factors that contributed to the population explosion include advancements in agriculture leading to increased food production, improvements in healthcare and sanitation reducing mortality rates, and increased availability of resources and technology encouraging population growth.

A statistic planning budget is suitable for planning and for evaluating how well costs are controlled true or false?

A static planning budget is suitable for planning and for evaluating how well costs are controlled.

How is population growth controlled?

Population growth can be controlled through various measures such as family planning programs, promoting education and empowerment of women, improving access to healthcare and contraceptives, and addressing socio-economic factors like poverty and inequality. These interventions can help individuals make informed choices about family size and contribute to slowing down population growth rates.

What is Family Planning Association's population?

Family Planning Association's population is 60.

What is the population of Camelot Software Planning?

Camelot Software Planning's population is 42.

What is Center for Planning Excellence's population?

Center for Planning Excellence's population is 7.

What is Camelot Software Planning's population?

Camelot Software Planning's population is 2,010.

Should family planning legalized to determine the growth of population?

Should family planning legalized to determine the growth of population?

What is population explosion and what are its causes?

A population explosion occurs when a species has a birth (or hatching) rate that is significantly greater than its death rate. This can happen among nonhuman animals, usually as a result of a period of weather conducive to growth of food and to reproduction. Among people, the population explosion of the last hundred years or so has been the result of better sanitation and medical care, improvements in food production, storage and distribution and reductions in the cost of food. The development of antibiotics, pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, and the application of mechanization to the farm have all contributed to this.

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they are planing the world ending in 2012 they are going to bomb minenes and make a masive explosion