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A hard question. Policies that limit population have far reaching consequences. For example the imbalance of males to females in China, due to China's two child and one child policies, has made it hard for young men to find a wife, this in turn has resulted in people kidnapping women for forced marriages or sex trafficking.

But on the other hand you have situations where people continue to reproduce and the government is expected to provide schooling, health care, housing and all sorts of infrastructure for the growing population. This puts a large strain on a country's budget.

Also some people appear to be incapable of being good parents and so the state is left to deal with their out of control kids.

As the population of the world increases it is obvious some kind of population control will be necessary. Many people these days choose not to have children because the state of the world. Probably government control measures are a good idea.

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βˆ™ 7y ago
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βˆ™ 7y ago

In the 1970's China reached over a billion population and as a result it made a law that each family could only have 2 children. The consequences of that law has been far reaching. In the Chinese culture girls are not seen as valuable as boys so in some cases girl fetuses have been aborted or the baby has been killed. Today, there are children who live outside the system because they are the third or fourth child born to a family. They don't have government papers, can't go to school, and can't get any government help. China is the only country to make a law like this, but in India girls are also seen as less valuable and they are aborted at a very high rate. The rate is so high that India in the future will have a shortage of women. In the long run this will affect their birth rate. Whether countries should limit the number of children I am not sure it is right or wrong. I think it depends on circumstances, but people have to be willing to accept the results.

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