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Condition precedent is a term in a contract that means the parties do not have to perform under the contract until a certain event takes place. Condition subsequent means that a contract is in effect until a particular event takes place.

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Q: Condition precedent and subsequent
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What are two types of discharge by agreement?

Condition subsequent and condition precedent.

What is a Clause in document that introduces a condition or qualification called?

Depending on when the condition is expected to be performed, it is either a conditon precedent or a condition subsequent.

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What is it called when a judge makes a legal decision that sets a standard for subsequent cases?

Legal Precedent

A court rule bearing on subsequent legal decisions in similar cases is called what?

Earlier cases can be cited as precedent in later cases, either binding or advisory.

What is a condition precedent?

A condition precedent is a fact [act or event] which must exist or occur before a duty of immediate performance of a promise arises. (A condition precedent initiates a duty). Example, taken from law. com law dictionary: If the ship makes it to shore, the buyer agrees to pay for the freight on the ship and then unload it.

What precedent did Franklin Delano Roosevelt set that all subsequent presidents were measured by?

If you fear the great beast you will be a worthless president.

Why were precedent set by the supreme court with Marshall as chief justice?

This was the first sitting Supreme Court of the USA. Every decision made by that court established the original precedent for all subsequent cases in the USA. Perhaps the most important was Marbury vs Madison where the precedent was established for the Supreme Court to review laws for "Constitutionality".

Why were precedent set by the supreme court with Marshall's as chief justice important?

This was the first sitting Supreme Court of the USA. Every decision made by that court established the original precedent for all subsequent cases in the USA. Perhaps the most important was Marbury vs Madison where the precedent was established for the Supreme Court to review laws for "Constitutionality".

What is a precedent cases?

Precedebt book means the book maintained by a section for keeping note of importment ruling and decesion for ready reference.

What is an aetiopathogenesis?

An aetiopathogenesis is the cause or subsequent development of a abnormal condition or disease.

What two types of precedent are there in doctrine of precedent?

binding(mandatory) precedent persuasive precedent