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It will depend on their ages. If they are under the age of 18, they will be entitled to a payment. If they are over 18, no, they do not get your SS.

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Q: Can your children receive benefits from your Social Security after your death?
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Can children receive incarcerated parents social security?

The USA Social Security Administration states that children who receive benefits through an incarcerated parent: "Although you cannot receive monthly Social Security benefits while you are confined, benefits to your spouse or children will continue as long as they remain eligible."

Do you claim children's social security benefits?

Survivor benefits are paid to children of a deceased worker.

Can a child with diabetes receive social security benefits?

Can a child with diabetes receive social security benefits

Can children receive Social Security benefits if a parent is incarcerated?

Possibly. Of course there are some strict regulations as to why they get them and how much. The link below will take you to the Social Security Administration page for Benefits for Children.

If your children start receiving benefits from your social security benefits will this decrease your benefit amount?

No it will not reduce the amount of benefits that you are qualified to receive.

If you receiving social security and are fired can you receive unemployment benefits?

If you are already receiving social security and are fired can you receive unemployment benefits?

Can a dependent of an INCARCERATED person get social security?

Yes, if you are eligible for Social Security benefits, you will still receive your benefits. According to the Social Security Administration, the person incarcerated will not receive monthly Social Security benefits, but benefits to their spouse or children will continue as long as those dependents remain eligible.

Can you receive benefits from unemployment if you are already on Social Security?


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Can a deaf person receive social security benefits?


Can you get unemployment and apply for Social Security for a child?

Your being unemployed does not qualify the child to receive Social Security benefits.

Where do you go to receive lost social security benefits?

Your nearest Social Security Office or their website at the link below .