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Q: Can you use your ID card instead of birth cirtificate to take learnes permint?
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What type of id do children need to fly to Hawaii 2009?

You just require your kid's birth cirtificate if you are a valid US citizen.

If you are on medicaid and you put your boyfriends name on the birth cirtificate will they make him pay child support?

Once a paternity test is done, as it should always be.

where do i go to change the name on a birth cirtificate after it has been approved by a judge?

You can amend the birth certificate for a small fee. You'll just need your original documentation and will need to complete some forms at your local courthouse in Los Angeles.

In Ohio if you are unmarried and have a kid but live with the baby's father does he have to pay child support if he's on the birth cirtificate?

In general, the question of child support arises when one or more of the parents is absent.

How do you get a new birth certificate and SS card if you have no other proof of who you are?

i dont think you can........ u need a birthcirtificate to get an ss card. if you go to the hospital u were born at they should be able to give u ur birth cirtificate, than get ur ss card. hope this helps!

If there is no fathers name on a birth cirtificate but someone feels that the child is theirs and the child has only known this one person to be his father what has to be done to change it?

Answer These days with DNA testing known to be the perfect science, that wold be the best way to go. Good luck

What is a medicated birth?

A medicated birth is when you have a baby with a epidullar instead of going with out it

Can a man be required to pay child support if another man's name was written on the birth cirtificate and the child has that man's last name and was fathered by that man?

If he is the biological father, yes. That is what counts. If the mother and this man knew he was not the father they have both committed fraud by having him signing the birth certificate. The child have a right to know who his parents are as well.

Is it normal to have brown spotting instead of a period when you're on birth control?

Hormonal birth control changes your menstrual bleeding. It's not unusual to have brown spotting instead of a regular period when you're on birth control.

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yes they do instead of the female giving birth the male gives the birth

Pues tambien aki amiga oye de donde eres o donde vives?

" Well, here too, (my) friend. Listen (tell me), where are you from or where do you live? " i live in nyc now but i don't kow if im real from Venezuela or Puerto Rico i don't have my birth cirtificate i never have

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