Example sentences for the verb to fluctuate:
The word 'fluctuate' is a verb (fluctuate, fluctuates, fluctuating, fluctuated), a word meaning to vary irregularly.Example uses:The financial scare caused the prices to fluctuatewildly.The market's stocks have been fluctuating since 2009.Gas prices fluctuate with the price of oil.My heart's rhythm always seemed to fluctuate wildly when she entered the room.This time of year, the temperature will fluctuate as much as thirty degrees in a day.In the desert, the temperature might fluctuate dramatically from time to time.My weight tends to fluctuate.
The word fluctuate is a verb meaning to continually change, to shift back and forth, to vary irregularly, to move back and forth in waves. Example sentence: The price of gold may fluctuate, but it will always go up eventually.
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