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"Pending information to the contrary, we're going to run with this proposal."

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Q: Can you put pending in a sentence?
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How can you use pending and pendulum in a sentence?

The estimate for the calibration of my pendulum was pending.

Your order is approved the staus is pending What does PENDING mean in this sentence?

it means it has yet to be shipped.

What is a sentence for the word pending?

awaiting conclusion or confirmation; "The transaction isn't complete: its still pending".

How would you use pending in a sentence?

Sales of the drug have been stopped, pending further research. He was released on bail pending further inquiries. An election is pending in Italy. A growing number of customers have been inquiring about the pending price rises.

Is this sentence grammatically correct - you will have a potluck lunch here pending renovations?

No, it should read "Will you have a potluck lunch here, pending reservations?"

How do you use pending in a sentence?

The contract had been drafted and was ready to be signed, pending its approval by the director. The voters were made aware of the pending changes to the tax code. Some of the repairs had already been made, and others were still pending.

Are mental patients with pending criminal cases exempted from the their sentence?

No matter what, when you are have pending criminal charges, you should expect the full sentence. In some cases, mental patients are sent to homes that help them over come their disablities.

What isa sentence for the word pending?

The results of the National College Football BCS Championship is pending the results of the game to be played on Monday, January 7th, 2013.

How do you use custodial investigation in a sentence?

The man was held in the cells, pending a custodial investigation

Are to be laws enforced?

A pending law will not be enforced until passed by whoever is in charge of pending laws. As soon as the law is passed, it will be put into effect and enforced. by deepika (m.b.b.s.)

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i can put nomad in a sentence