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The heroic fireman entered the burning building.

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Q: Can you make a sentence with word heroic?
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What is an example of the word heroic epic in a sentence?

The story of Beowulf is a well known heroic epic. A more modern example of epic fantasy is the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

How do you use the word antagonist in sentence?

The antagonist of the novel did everything in his power to stop the protagonist's heroic efforts.

How do you use the word heroic in a sentence?

The firefighter's action in saving the children from the burning house was heroic.

Sentence with heroic?

The firefighter's heroic actions saved the family from the burning building.

What is a palindrome for an heroic action?

The word is a heroic "deed."

What part of speech is the word heroic?

Heroic is an adjective.

Is heroic a noun?

No the word heroic is not a noun. It is an adjective.

What is a sentence using the word ballad?

The ballad form was used by early minstrels to tell a story, often with a heroic theme.

How many syllables does the word heroic have?

The word "heroic" has three syllables.

Can you make a sentence for the word certainly?

Yes I certainly can make a sentence with that word.