If you are collecting unemployment in the state of Oklahoma you will most likely not be able to collect Social Security benefits because Social Security will count your unemployment as unearned income and not give you any deductions. Without the deductions from income your total income will almost always be too high to receive Social Security Benefits. So, you have to choose. If you are eligible for unemployment then you should take it and forget about your social security income because the unemployment will pay more monthly and while on unemployment in the state of Oklahoma you can receive Medical insurance through O-EPIC / Insure Oklahoma for a very small monthly fee (around $50 a month) The insurance offers $10 Dr visits and $20-$30 co pays on ALL other services ( for example a MRI under O-EPIC would have a flat co pay of $25 with no other bill to come in the mail) You can receive other DHS benefits while on Unemployment in OK such as Medicaid for your children and Food Stamps as long as the total house hold income does not exceed the income guidelines for your family size.
I have first hand knowledge of this ....... I was laid off and went on unemployment, I reported my unemployment income to Social Security because I have a disabled child who had received benefits in the past but had lost them only because my income became too high to qualify. I was told that because the unemployment was UNEARNED income it would be calculated differently, leaving my income too high to receive benefits despite the fact that the same amount of EARNED income would qualify him for maximum benefits. I argued that the unemployment was a benefit for working in the passed and should be counted the same as earned income seeings how I earned the unemployment by having a job and had to pay taxes on the unemployment ..... I lost he appeal and my son's SS Benefits. Hope this helps.
If you are already receiving social security and are fired can you receive unemployment benefits?
No. You cannot receive unemployment benefits and retire also. To receive them you must be actively seeking full time employment
They don't affect each other. Florida repealed its statutes allowing unemployment compensation to be offset (reduced) by Social Security benefits. If you qualify for both unemployment and Social Security, you will receive your full check under each program.
No, Social Security benefits will not reduce unemployment compensation. They are 2 different programs and do not affect each other.
In most states, California included, you can receive unemployment benefits while still receiving your full Social Security benefits.
Your being unemployed does not qualify the child to receive Social Security benefits.
Yes. Although you must report any earnings you receive while getting unemployment benefits, the Related Link below says you do not have to report the Social Security benefits, meaning it does not affect your unemployment.
Ireceive a small social security and ssi amount. If i will receive unemployment benefits will if affect my ssi?
Probably not because retirement implies not seeking work and that is one of the requirements to be able to receive unemployment benefits.
Yes, as long as you qualify for each of them, individually.
No, unfortunately, you have to be at least 62 years old to receive Social Security retirement benefits.