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It won't stop you from getting a licence, but a conviction of a charge of driving on a suspended licence usually adds four points to your drivers licence. If it occurred within the last three years, four points is going to be enough to prevent you from being able to find employment as a CDL driver.

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No you cannot. Sorry.

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Q: Can you get CDL license with suspended license?
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Can you obtain a cdl if your license is suspended for DUI even though you never held a cdl license?

No you can not

How do you get your license unsuspended?

can anybody help you me get my cdl license if i got suspended license

Can i get a CDL license in one state if my driver license are suspended another state?

You can't even do that with a non-CDL licence, let alone with a federally regulated CDL. And, just my $.02 worth, if your driving habits caused you to get your licence suspended, it's probably for the best that you don't get a CDL.

How long is a CDL license suspended for?

As long as the courts decide it should be suspended for. Add three years to the suspension period before anyone will hire you as a CDL driver again.

Will your CDL get suspended if you fail a dot?

Your license won't be suspended, but you'll be forced to downgrade. You can't hold a CDL if you can't pass a DOT physical. And if you can't pass a DOT physical, you have much bigger problems than your license to worry about.

What happed to cdl if regular license is supended?

You're only allowed to possess one licence. If you have a CDL, it also serves as your "regular" licence. It's suspended, as well.

Can you still get you cdl if you have no license?

Yes, so long as your not having a licence isn't due to it being suspended/revoked.

If your license suspended in one state can you get it in another?

It is possible with some states, but not with every state. If you have a CDL (Commercial Drivers License) which gets suspended in one state, there is no state or territory of the US in which you'll be able to get licensed in while your license is suspended. Also note that the state which suspends your license also suspends your driving privileges in that state, so, if you did obtain a license from out of state, and were pulled over in the state where your license was suspended, it would still be treated as if you were driving on a suspended license.

Can a CDL license be suspended after two moving violations within a two year period in Illinois?

Your CDL license can be suspended for two serious CDL violations within three years in any state although the requirements do vary. In some states it doesn't matter whether you receive them in your personal vehicle or in your truck and in others it does. However, I have found that they have no way to track so your CDL license is suspended anyway. You may be able to retain a CDL attorney and he may be able to get one of the speeding tickets reopended and reduced to where they will rescind the suspension. However, most companies will terminate you anyway and no one else will likely hire you.

What happens to a CDL driver being caught under a DUI in Arizona?

Their license will be suspended, they won't be able to find employment as a CDL driver for at least three years after their conviction.

Can you take a pre-scheduled CDL road test if your NYS class D license is indefinitely suspended?

No. If your licence is suspended, you cannot operate a motor vehicle, period.

Can you get a cdl if you license were suspended but is not now?

As long as you have held a valid drivers license in your state of residence for 30 days or more, yes. However, I would strongly recommend that you first inquire with prospective employers regarding the conditions under which your license was suspended to see whether or not you'll be eligible to be hired. If not, then you're only wasting your time and money in getting a CDL.