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No, benefits are only payable from states where income was earned. You can live in one state and collect from another, but only if you worked in that other state

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Q: Can you collect benefits on interstate claim if you have not worked in that state?
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How much is an interstate unemployment claim in Washington state?

In Washington, you can file for an interstate unemployment claim if you use to work in Washington and was fired or laid off and now live another state. Even though you moved out of state, you will still be paid unemployment benefits through Washington.

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How do you claim death?

you arrive at the scene (via moped naturally) and collect all of the fingerprints, if they match your database you claim the benefits and win the game.

How do you get into the unemployment program to collect benefits?

You file a claim with your local Employment Security office in the state you work in.

You live in Connecticut but work in New Jersey which state do you collect unemployment from?

Generally, unemployment benefits are paid by the state in which you worked. If you live in Connecticut and work in New York you most likely collect unemployment benefits from the state of New York.

What types of unemployment insurance can I get?

The types of unemployment are: Regular UI, Interstate Claim for Benefits, Combined Wage Claim (CWC) for Benefits, Extended Benefits, Unemployment Compensation for Federal Civilian Employees (UCFE), Unemployment Compensation for Ex-Military Personnel (UCX), and Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA)

Do you file for unemployment insurance in NJ or ny if you live in NJ but had worked in nyc for the past 18 months?

I worked in NY for 6 months. I live in New Jersey. I was told by NJ Unemployment when I tried to claim benefits that I would have to claim my unemployment benefits in the State of NY.

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Can you draw unemployment benefit and Social Security in Indiana?

Yes. You can receive unemployment benefits from whatever 'liable state' you worked in. You can apply directly to that state or through the one you live in, known as Interstate claim, who will then transfer your claim to the right state.

How do you file Unemployment Interstate claims through Texas?

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Can you file for an interstate unemployment claim in the state of Arkansas?

Generally, if you were fired as a result of your own wrong doing (the fault was yours), then no. However, if you felt it was unjustified you can always appeal the employment agency's decision.

Can you collect unemployment benefits again?

In most, if not all, states, to refile you have to have a work history since your last unemployment period. Sometimes the government extends the benefit period and you might be grandfathered in under the new provisions.