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yes, but you are required to report your income to the social security office so that they can adjust your benefits to the amount you make while working

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Q: Can i work if drawing disability?
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Can you work while drawing a disability check?

Probably not, because you are receiving the disability benefit BECAUSE you cannot work. If your state has different rules it's best to confer with them as to exceptions.

While drawing 100 percent disability are you allowed to have a job?

Having 100% disability is only gotten if it's proven you are unable to work. If you work while receiving the benefit, they may charge you with fraud, so it's not worth it. Better to show them you're able to work, remove yourself from the benefit and be safe. Now, having said that, if the agency paying you the benefit says you can do some types of work, given your particular disability, at least then you can do so with their knowledge and blessings.

Can you apply for a disability insurance if you have cancer?

Yes, if you are unable to work. ANSWER: Actually, if you are currently UNABLE to work, you can NOT apply for disability INSURANCE. You have to be actively at work to get insurance for disability.

Can you draw disability and still work?

can you draw disability and still work Type your answer here...

Where is the best place to live if you have a disability?

You can live anywhere in the US and do well if you have a disability. Depending on the disability, you can get disability insurance. Disability insurance is figured by your work history and if you get approved.

When were the disability act and the disability discrimination act passed in parliament amd how do they apply to the area of disability work?

The disability act and the disability discrimination act was passed in parliament in the 1980s. At the area of work, employers are supposed to make certain provisions that will also accommodate the disabled.

Can you work and still get state disability?

Unless the work does not violate your state's requirements for obtaining disability benefits, you would not be eligible.

When were the disability services act and the disability discrimination act passed in parliament and how do they apply to the area of disability work?

1986 they apply to the laws

In state of Oklahoma can you draw Social Security Disability if you are drawing unemployment?

No. Social Security examines you very closely to determine if you are able to work. If you can you don't get SSI. If you can't work you would be fraudulently receiving unemployment, under their criteria of being ready, willing, and ABLE to work full time immediately.

In Texas can you apply for Social Security Disability while drawing Florida State Unemployment?

The issue is not with Texas, but with Florida. Florida might charge you with unemployment fraud because you would be drawing their benefits AND the Fed's SSDI. The Social Security Administration investigates very thoroughly before awarding their benefit. If THEY said you wouldn't be able to work due to a disability, Florida's requirements might be violated. If you qualify for SSDI, check to see if you should cancel Florida's benefits.

Would drawing unemployment and Social Security Disability at same time be a felony?

Only if you weren't qualified for either one of them.

How does disability qualification work across different states?

Short term disability insurance can help workers that suffer a temporary disability kicks in, if it's an illness that keeps them out of work for an extended period of time.