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You can get social security at that age if you are disabled, a disabled widow, the widow of a spouse who was already collecting social security and you are not a worker. You can get social security if you are a child of a deceased parent or your grandparents are on social security and they are your sole source of care.

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Q: Can i get social security at age 56?
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Related questions

How do you collect social security at age 56?

Payment for retirement begins at 62 (at a reduced level), but payment for disability can be at any age.

How can a person get social security 31 male?

Social Security Retirement Age is sixty two years of age

Survivor social security benefits At what age can a widow with no dependents receive social security benefuts?

At age 60, or at age 50 if Social Security also finds them disabled. They are reduced benefits if taken early.

When can a person who is 56 and has been on social security disabled for ten years go on regular Social Security?

The person is on social security benefits at this time and has been since ten years ago.

How do you find out how much you get when you retire at the age of 62?

where can i get info on how much will i receive from social security when i retire at age 62 or how can get in touch with social security

Can you draw social security at 55?

You can only draw Social Security benefits at age 55 if you are disabled.

What is the age to collect social security?


Do you have to pay social security tax on income earned after age 67?

Yes, you still have to pay Social Security tax on income earned after age 67, as long as you are still working. There is no age limit for paying into Social Security through payroll taxes.

How much will your Social Security check be if you retire at the age of 66?

As I understand you can make as much as you want after age 66 and still draw your full social security.

What are the social security benefits in Wyoming?

Social Security benefits are the same no matter what state you live in. Social Security retirement benefits are based on your earnings record or "credits" and your age.

Can a minor draw social security?

no. he has a minnimum age

What is legal age to get social security card?