if any of your spouse, parents is an Indian then you can apply for Indian citizenship....and if your child is born in India you can be an Indian citizen
You can't just change the passport. She must go through immigration process. But If Pakistan gives her Pakistani nationality automatically based on marriage to a Pakistani citizen, then after she receives her citizenship certificate (or whatever other name it may have) then she can apply for a Pakistani passport.
Between Octover 1st to Novermber 1st of each year on the following website:
You fill out the requisite paperwork with the Australian Embassy in Saudi Arabia (even though you are a Pakistani citizen). The Australian Immigration website (in the related links below) can explain exactly which papers you need.
If you are born in Canada and your parents were not diplomats at the time of your birth, then you are already a Canadian citizen by law. You just need to get your birth certificate from the province in which you were born.Although, if you opt to be a Canadian citizen, you may lose your Pakistani citizenship. If you are not sure whether or not this will happen, ask the Pakistani embassy if you live abroad or contact the responsible authorities in Pakistan to find out.
The procedure for visiting the US is the same for Indian Citizen as any other country's citizens. You need to apply for a B1/B2 tourist visa.
My mother was citizen apply for me have a green card but wondering how long I be able to apply citizen ship
Yes. Canadian citizens need a visa and therefore Canadian Citizens of Pakistani origin also need a visa to travel to India. Canadian citizens who are first or second generation Canadian of Pakistani origin have more conditions for granting a visa. Canadian citizens who also hold a Pakistani Passport (Dual citizenship) will have to apply for an Indian visa on their Pakistani passport. There are many restrictions for Pakistani passport holders however the visa costs next to nothing if you are Pakistani and more than $50 if you are just Canadian. Hope that helps.
he will stay American citizen....he has to apply to become a Canadian citizen or his wife has to apply for him and will have to tell the court that she has married him